Resolve issues experienced by our members and non-members alike whether disabled or able bodied with Southampton Football Club.
Help Southampton Football Club keep disability awareness and best practice in their focus.
Sponsor local pan disability football teams
Raise awareness of disability locally
Host an Annual Open Day at St Mary’s Stadium to raise awareness of accessibility at the stadium, to promote local disabled sports and activities and to showcase local disabled services and organisations supporting the disabled community.
Raise funds for the Association to buy season tickets to enable us to take disabled Saints fans to see the Saints who would otherwise be unable to get a game.
Liaise with other Disabled Supporter Associations to ensure we are doing the best we can for our members.
Liaise with National Organisations such as Level Playing Field and Football Supporters federation.
Attend Premier League Disability Advisory Group attended by Chairmen from the Premier League clubs Disabled Supporters’ Associations to Its general purpose is to offer practical common-sense guidance, suggestions and opinion on a variety of relevant topics to the Premier League. Priority topics such as advising on issues relating to access and inclusion for disabled fans and identifying best practice with regard to implementation of the requirements of the Accessible Stadia Guidelines.
Act as a key Association participant in the local community with particular focus on disability. We attend various events throughout the year to promote the Association. One such regular event is the Totton & Eling Carnival where we have picked up many awards for our entries.