Charity Governance Document Change Vote

The Charity Commission have asked for clarification that our membership have agreed the correct aims after an incorrect 3rd aim was agreed at the recent EGM.

Current aims (in Governance Document agreed by membership 22nd January 2024)

The promotion of equality and diversity of disabled people by:

  • Promoting improved access including improved facilities and overcoming disadvantages experienced by football spectators with a physical or mental impairment
  • The provision of funding to organisations and individuals, whether working towards the above object or, individuals affected by disability and in need of assistance
  • To generally support the local community.

Proposed aims

The promotion of equality and diversity of disabled people by:

  • Promoting improved access including improved facilities and overcoming disadvantages experienced by football spectators with a physical or mental impairment
  • The provision of funding to organisations and individuals, whether working towards the above object or, individuals affected by disability and in need of assistance
  • Promoting activities to foster understanding of the disadvantages experienced by football spectators with a physical or mental impairment

If you wish to vote in person, there will be an EGM on Monday 26th February at 6pm and you can get the zoom link by emailing [email protected].

Can you please let us know your vote in the voting form below.

    Please enter your name so that we can confirm that you are a member and entitled to vote*

    Do you agree to the changes to the aims suggested above?

    Note: By completing and submitting this voting form you agree to your details being held by the SDSA for the purposes of administering the vote. Your details will only be held while the vote is taking place and will not be passed to any 3rd party agencies.