Proposed Stadium Layout – Moving Away Fans

The club are proposing to move visiting supporters from their current position in the Northam Stand to the opposite corner (Chapel/Kingsland Stand corner).

Moving the away fans will allow for the Northam Stand to have a safe standing area, but will also move the family zone from the Chapel/Kingsland Stand corner to the Chapel/Itchen Stand corner.

The club are doing their own survey to gain the thoughts of fans, but we feel that the disabled fans haven’t been considered enough (or we haven’t seen any proof).

We have a meeting with the club on Monday 11th March, so need the views of disabled fans, or those that attend matches with disabled fans.

Can you please let us know your views in the form below.

    Are you in favour of the proposed changes?*

    Are you ambulant disabled or a wheelchair user?*

    Do you park at the stadium?*

    Which stand do you normally sit in?*

    Do you sit in the family zone?

    Do you sit with/near friends and family?*

    Your comments or worries*

    Your name*

    Email Address*

    Note: By completing and submitting this form you agree to your details being held by the SDSA for the purposes of administering the survey. Your details will only be held while the survey is taking place and will not be passed to any 3rd party agencies.