What a Day!

We all woke up on Saturday 18tth October 2014, hoping to see a good game at St Mary’s against Sunderland that afternoon, and to meet a SDSA member from Holland.

(back) Reuben, our Vice-Chair Elaine, and Becky, the Saints Disabled Liaison officer, and (front) our Chair Andy, our Secretary Paul, and Adriaan, our visitor from Holland

At 2pm, our Chairman, vice-Chairman, and Secretary/Fundraising Secretary, welcomed Adriaan Aerts, a SDSA member from Holland, and let him have his tickets as he was the beneficiary of the SDSA Season Ticket for the game. The SDSA had also helped plan Adriaan’s visit whilst in Southampton.

Once we had all said hello, we headed around to the Chapel/Kingsland corner, and waited to be called onto the edge of the pitch, as Saints Legend Reuben Agboola was going to present us with a cheque for £610 which was the money raised during the “Millbrook’s Got Talent” event held in The Saints Pub in Millbrook in August.

After a brief chat with Steve Bennett, Saints pitch announcer and interviewer, about the cheque and the SDSA, we headed around to our various seats in the stadium to hopefully see Saints win.

At 3pm the game kicked off, and just under 2 hours later, Saints had beaten Sunderland 8-0.  Of course we were happy with 8-0, but 10-0 would have been a much nicer number.  Come on Saints, must try harder and maybe 10-0 later in the season?

It is commonly known that after a Manager wins “Manager of the Month”, the team has a bad period, and Saints had the Player of the Month too (Pellè), so double bad luck?  Trust Saints to not read the script, and produce the highest scoring game in their Premiership history.

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