New Mayor for Southampton

Ivan white Mayor of Southampton

The SDSA was invited to attend the annual Mayor Making ceremony on Wednesday 15th May 2013, to appoint the new Mayor and Sheriff of the City of Southampton for 2013/14. The Chair and Vice-Chair gratefully accepted the invitation.

The ceremony was held in the Guildhall, and was full of pomp with the town crier as master of ceremonies, and the official maces being brought into the hall and placed on the table in front of the Mayor and Members of the Southampton City Council, along with fanfares at appropriate points within the proceedings.

The outgoing Mayor, Councillor Derek Burke, suggested to us doing our Open Day in July 2012, that we should invite the Mayor (the role of Mayor rather than a specific Mayor) to be our Patron.  We applied to the Mayor’s Office, and we have had the Mayor as our Patron since August 2012.

The new Mayor, Councillor Ivan White, was the Sheriff during 2012/13, and is a big Saints fan (we understand), so we hope that we will continue to have as good a relationship with him as our Patron as we had with Councillor Burke.

The new Sheriff is Sue Blatchford.

We wish both Councillor White and Councillor Blatchford the best of luck during their terms of office, and hope to see them at our events over the next 12 months.  We would like to thank Councillor Burke for his help over the last year.

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