Is your resolution for 2023 to eat more healthily and to save money on fresh food? If so, make sure you have SO:Lotto tickets in time for the draw on February 25th 2023.
If you already eat healthily, you can still save money on your weekly shop.
Each box delivers fresh high-quality ingredients direct to your door – with everything you need to create delicious dinners from scratch.

The prize will be a HelloFresh voucher code which entitles you to 2 free boxes per month for 1 year, with the shipping fee waived. Each box contains ingredients and recipes for 5 meals for 2 people. Additional boxes/meals/servings can be added at cost to you.
The voucher code has to be entered on https://www.hellofresh.co.uk/plans before 7th December 2023, and will be valid for 1 year from the date first entered.
Please note, if you are buying new SO:Lotto tickets by Direct Debit, you need to allow 10-14 days for the payment to be setup before the tickets are valid so you need to buy your tickets by around the 10th February. If paying by card, you need to buy your tickets no later than the 24th February.
For further details on SO:Lotto, view the Saints Disabled Supporters’ Association page.