Merry Christmas 2021

The SDSA Committee would like to take this opportunity, before the festivities begin in earnest, to wish all our members, sponsors, friends and supporters a very Merry Christmas, if you are celebrating and enjoy your time with family over the Festive break.

The committee managed to get together (COVID safe!) to produce and record 2 fun videos* that we hope will entertain you and to mark the occasion (see below).  We hope you have a watch and a chuckle.

We hope to see as many of you as possible early in the New Year when we will be pressing on with the good work we have been doing over the years supporting Saints fans with disabilities.

Best Wishes

Your SDSA committee

* No Committee members were harmed during the filming of the videos.

2 thoughts on “Merry Christmas 2021

  1. Alan Byrne says:

    Absolutely love it well done all those involved in this blockbuster ,look forward to working with you all again soon Happy New year

  2. Jane Alexander says:

    How lovely to put faces to names.

    Have a wonderful, peaceful Christmas and healthy New Year.

    Many thanks for allowing me to join the crowd v Brighton, very much appreciated.

    Keep safe.

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