SDSA Quiz – 5 February 2015

The 2nd Saints Disabled Supporters Association’s fundraising quiz night was held on Thursday 5th February in the function room an The Saints Pub, Kendal Avenue, Millbrook.

Around 30 people attended and formed 6 teams, including one from the Saints pub, The Wrong Direction!

There were 10 rounds with 10 questions in each round plus 2 starter for 10’s and 2 special rounds.

‘The Knights’ won the quiz with an overall total of 100 points followed very closely by the ‘New Forest Gumps’ (Anne and Tony) in 2nd place with 99 points. In 3rd place were ‘The Misfits’ on 92 followed by ‘The Gooners’. “There is Only One Mick Channon” narrowly missed out on the booby prize with 66.5 points, while the booby prize, and a bottle of wine as a prize for coming last, went to ‘The Wrong Direction’ with 66 points.

It was a good evening with a draw at the end for some good prizes. There was £136.00 raised which was mostly down to the winning team putting their cash prize back into the SDSA’s fundraising fund which was very generous of them and we thank them for doing so.

Thanks must go to The Saints Pub for allowing us to use their facilities and also to Mark Harpur, a committee member who spent a long time composing over 100 questions and to Chris Dyer, quizmaster, who had to endure a lot of abuse whilst reading the questions!! Thanks to everyone who came out on a very cold night to support the evening’s efforts.

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